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3 Core Principle of Meditation

  • Know the Self, the image.
  • End Conflicts of the Mind.
  • Emptiness, Wholeness, Being & Liberation.


Framework to navigate when working with the mind

  • Why are we observing?
  • Why do we need to break free of the mind?
  • Why do we need to tame or reprogram the mind?
  • Why is integration important?
  • Are you actively listening?



  • How are you In tune in with your energy?
  • Why and how does energy affect you?
  • What are you doing to protect your energy?
  • Are you aware of your energy blockage?
  • How are you releasing and restoring your energy?
  • How are you prioritizing your energy?


Awareness, Alertness & Mindfulness

  • What is awareness to you?
  • How is being alert different than awareness in meditation?
  • What is mindfulness?
  • Why are all of these important?



  • What is liberation to you?
  • Past, Present & Future; what is it to you?
  • What does desire and attachments mean to you?
  • Are you aware of how you use excuses to rationalize your thoughts?
  • What is it?


What is dharma?


Dharma is mainly an eastern Buddhist term describing the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth taught by the Buddha; the teaching of Buddhism. Although I am not teaching you Buddhism, the concepts and discussion we will have can, however, relate to some of the Buddhist teachings. What’s important is for you to learn meditation as a tool and practice through your direct experience to access the power of your own mind.


Path To Dharma will give you the framework for your meditation practice. There are thousands of ways to practice meditation. This is just one way - a more direct path cutting through your program or subconscious mind faster. Each session will begin with some guidance, some instructions and some topics to work on outside of class.


The most important part is you need to do the work! Practice meditation daily (both morning and night) even if it’s just 5-10 minutes a day. Do not skip the practice! Sit with yourself observe your thoughts. Without this practice, you will not discover how your thoughts arise, or how the patterns and stories of your mind have been running your life. Navigate The Mind framework, is as simple as the title. Navigate your mind through meditation and integrate this into your daily life experiences. I will also break down a much deeper meaning in the stage of meditation and progress.


One of the hardest things to say to anyone who chooses to learn and practice meditation is take your time. There is no time, other than doing the work consistently. I will be straightforward with you. Nothing is going to magicallly happen and the questions you will ask over and over, will have no answer or clarity unless it comes from you. Your own thoughts are mostly stories from past experience and programs.


In the journal, I will briefly touch up on 9 misconceptions & Challenges of meditation. Also you I share the results and benefits of meditation from my direct experiences.


1. Meditation requires sitting for an hour or more.

2. You shouldn’t meditate if you have anger or negative thoughts.

3. Meditation is for quieting the mind.

4. I already know what meditation is.

5. Meditation is against my religion.

6. Nothing happens sitting on the mat in meditation.

7. I’ve been doing meditation but still cannot end conflicts.

8. Meditation removes the ego but I am feeling stuck after years of meditation.

9. I cannot sit still and too many things are going on in my mind.


Path To Dharma Meditation Journal

  • This Journal will help you kick start your meditation journey. Track your daily and weekly meditation practice. Once you've taking or complete the meditation workshop, you can track your own meditation progress. Meditation only works when you create a habit and a consistent daily practice. This Journal will give you a daily, weekly or monthly practice. You can choose print them out to track your own progress.

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